Regular Glass, Mirrored Glass And Tempered Glass: Everything You Should Know To Choose A Kitchen Splashback

Kitchen splashbacks have evolved from sophisticated interior design accessories to essential components of modern functional kitchens. Your splashback primarily protects your kitchen's walls from oil and food splashes, heat damage, and smoke stains. It serves to dress up your kitchen — while ensuring your post-cooking cleanup process requires minimal wiping, and the spraying of an over-the-counter cleaning agent. 

Glass splashbacks are often considered a fantastic option because they provide the aesthetic appeal of maximised luminosity and the resistance of glass. Tempered glass, in particular, has been found the aptest glass splashback material, because it has been manufactured for additional safety. Here's everything you need to know.

Splashbacks Require Tempered Glass 

Australian homeware safety law requires glass splashbacks to be made from toughened glass, in accordance with Australia And New Zealand standard 1288. Tempered or laminated glass are the usual choices because they've been found more resistant to scratches, impact and heat. This means that tempered glass splashbacks are less likely to shatter (potentially leading to injury) than regular glass. 

Non-tempered glass requires glass to be cooled fast, which allows for the rapid production of mass volumes. Generally, the non-tempered glass will be the more affordable option in the short-run, but tempered glass, due to its durability, may be a better long-run investment.

Your tempered glass splashbacks will have been cooled much slower during their manufacturing process. This alternative method of production has been found to create a sturdier product. When broken (due to considerable impact), they shatter into small, bead-like grains with blunt edges. 

How To Spot Tempered Glass When Splashback Shopping

Tempered glass cannot be reworked post-production. This means that you'll need to be sure that your chosen splashback is manufactured up to required standards. Ensure your manufacturer is appropriately licensed and inspect the products yourself. Generally, there are telling signs that glass is tempered. For instance, the edges of your glass splashbacks should be smooth to the touch, with an almost plastic-like feel.

Another sign of tempered glass is visible imperfections on its surface, causing small bubbles and tiny bumps. These imperfections are caused by the slow cooling process, during which air bubbles may form on the glass's surface layer. Minor distortions also suggest that your glass splashback is made from industrially-hardened tempered glass. Therefore, a minor bending of the glass should be considered a good sign.

A Concluding Word 

It's always crucial to purchase an installation that your home will house for years to ensure the quality of its materials. By paying attention to your manufacturer's accreditation and asking for material samples or visiting showrooms, you can make sure that your splashback is made from state-approved tempered glass.

Talk to a glass splashback manufacturer to learn more about your options.
